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One Day Only | Vogue American Express Fashion Night In

Behind The Season | One Day Only | Vogue American Express Fashion Night In

Our gift to you. In celebration of Vogue American Express Fashion Night In, Aje has partnered with Minenssey to gift a Clay Mask Exploration Set valued at RRP $33 with every order.


Come behind the scenes at the Chroma Visual Experience, where skin director, Filomena Natoli, uses the Clay Mask on Aje's model muses.


Available online and in store. One day only.


Shop Vogue American Express Fashion Night In here.

Minenssey's Clay Mask Exploration Set

Filomena Natoli applies Minenssey's Clay Mask to Aje muse Jeet Pavlovic

Filomena Natoli applies Minenssey's Clay Mask to Aje muse Jeet Pavlovic

Filomena Natoli applies Minenssey's Clay Mask to Aje muse Grace Cameron

Minenssey ambassador, Renée Bargh at the Chroma Visual Experience

“Masks are are a miracle worker. I use the Minenssey Clay Masks either the night before or the morning of an event to make my skin glow. Minenssey offer Hydrating, Cleansing, Brightening and Rejuvenating options, so I choose whichever I feel my skin is lacking!"
Renée Bargh

*Offer valid from 7.00am AEST 22/10/20 until 11:59pm AEST 22/10/20 while stocks last and/or unless otherwise withdrawn or extended. Offer is only available in Sydney stores and on the Australian website. and For full terms and conditions please visit